Hosting the Africa TB Caucus
The Stop TB Partnership- Kenya is the secretariat to the African TB Caucus. This a movement of Africa Members of Parliament who have come together with a common goal to increase political commitment in Africa towards ending TB in the region.
STP hosted the first ever meeting of MPs from the African region to establish the Africa TB Caucus during the WTD 2016. The meeting was titled “Championing Leadership towards ending TB”. The meeting had the following MPS representing the African region, namely Hon. Stephen Mule, Hon. Joyce Laboso, Hon. Agostinho Neto of Kenya, Hon. Naomi Kabasharira of Uganda, Hon. Ruth Labode of Zimbabwe, Hon Abera Buno of Ethiopia, plus several CSOs namely WEDNET Africa- Uganda, EANNASO, Stop TB Partnership Kenya, AHF- Kenya, KANCO, KAPTLD, WEDNET Africa, Volunteer Health Services-VHS from Ethiopia, At the meeting the MPs drafted a statement of commitment to the Barcelona declaration. This is due to be launched at the closing ceremony of the 2016 IAS (International AIDS Society) Conference in Durban.