Why Become a Partner

Home Why Become a Partner
Be part of a larger network
As a partner, you are part of a vast network of organizations that are constantly communicating and collaborating. The Stop TB Partnership keeps you up to date with a monthly newsletter, relaying important information on the fight against TB. We also use news and e-alerts to provide live updates as developments unfold, and you can join conversations about TB and public health in general on social media.

The Stop TB Partnership strives to maintain strong and proactive constituencies in all sectors and regions. We can connect you with other partners within these constituencies, as well as with your representative on the Board. We also encourage you to get in touch with Working Groups that focus on specific technical areas. If you want to work with partners within your own country, country-level Stop TB Partnership platforms can help. Finally, consulting resources are available to partners through a mailing list. You can use these to connect with other partners and join relevant platforms.

The Stop TB Partnership can help you to promote the work of your organization and increase its visibility. Your profile is featured in the Stop TB Partners’ Directory, a comprehensive directory listing each organization and its full contact details. Partners can also advertise events in the Stop TB Partnership events calendar by contacting us. You can share your news stories on our social media platforms and tag us – @StopTB (Twitter) @StopTBPartnership (Facebook). We will do our best to share your posts and, if you send us stories, we will try to publish them on our website and in our monthly newsletter.

We encourage all Stop TB Partners to use the ‘Partner of the Stop TB Partnership’ logo on their websites, publications, and promotional materials. These assets are available at the Stop TB Partnership’s Resource Library, where you can also view our logo usage policy.

As a partner, you have a responsibility to the TB community, as well as to the combined global effort to end TB. You should initiate and participate in activities with other Stop TB Partners and Working Groups. This includes passing on knowledge and information through channels such as our social media platforms, contributing news stories to our website and newsletter, and submitting events to our calendar. You should also contribute to Stop TB Partnership meetings, and channel ideas and feedback to the Board through your constituency representatives.

As a partner, you are also responsible for keeping your profile and contact information up to date and participating in the annual satisfaction survey to help us identify your priorities and support your engagement and expansion strategies. You should also contribute to Stop TB Partnership activities by letting others know about new ideas, data, best practices, and other resources, including funding and in-kind contributions, such as technical expertise, staff time, and assistance with marketing, media, or networking. 

By becoming a partner, you demonstrate your commitment to the Global Plan to End TB. In doing so, you promote the Stop TB Partnership and join the front lines as an advocate for the elimination of TB as a public health threat.